Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Renegade Rows with Push Up

Here is a home made video demonstrating this exercise.
Thanks, Dad for being my Photoshop expert!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

April 2013 Challenge Week 2

I don't know about you, but I am feeling the love from this challenge!

Today is Day 6 and it is a rest day.  We'll start week two on Monday April 22, but for those of you who are overachievers I wanted to give you a preview to week 2.  The major change is an increase in the number of reps for the swings and squats.  I also added a push-up move in the third exercise so that you'll also be using some of your chest and triceps.  This is truly a total body workout.  You might need to drop the weight a bit to get through three rounds... I know I will!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 2013 Challenge Week 1

5, 4, 3, 2, 1....It's time to start the April Challenge!

This month we're continuing with our mixed kettlebell / dumbbell program but adding in some legs and core for a full body workout.  Because of the intensity of this Challenge, we will only be performing the Challenge routines EVERY OTHER DAY.  This is a full body workout and many of your are doing it in addition to your base fitness program.  Make sure you're warming up, warming down, stretching, eating well and getting to bed early.  I don't want anyone injured or over trained.

As a reminder, I've included the week 1 exercises and the video links below.  I'll post week 2 on Thursday.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Have fun!!


One-Arm KB Swings

Alternating Renegade Row with Pushup

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April Challenge Week 1

We're starting out fast this month.  Week 1 is challenging, so if you need to take more rest, please gauge it based on your current fitness.

Remember, if you haven't reviewed the videos, please review this post.

The Challenge begins on Sunday, April 14.  Get ready to rock!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

April 2013 Challenge Exercise Overview

Well, I have had my two best testing partners review the April Challenge (thanks I.G. and M.S.!!).  I think we are in for a rockin' month!!  Below are the exercises that will comprise the challenge which will start Sunday, April 14.  Please review the videos and practice each exercise before we begin the challenge.  I will be posting the schedule on Thursday 4/11 so that you have a chance to review.  


  • All exercises can be performed with kettlebells or dumbbells
  • If you are using kettlebells they must either have a flat-bottom or be the PowerBlock variety for safety.
  • Do not attempt renegade rows if you do not have hex dumbbells or flat bottomed kettlebells       If you cannot perform squats safely, simply perform alternating overhead presses for the defined number of reps each week
  • If you cannot perform a push-up, continue with alternating renegade rows weeks 2 – 3 without the push-up kicker
  •  If you have bad knees, shoulders or a bad back, avoid this challenge

HEALTH REMINDER: If you have any new or old injuries or any medical conditions for which you receive ongoing care or take medications, be certain to obtain clearance from your healthcare professional before beginning this challenge or any new exercise or nutrition program. These exercises are going to work your entire body and will get your heart rate up. Try to push yourself but be mindful and listen to your body.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

April 2013 Challenge

Have you participated in the last three Buff 'n' Tuff Challenges?  If so, I know you've seen improvements in your strength and stamina.  I've taken your suggestions and put together a fun challenge for April.  Over the next few days I will be introducing the exercises that will be part of the challenge.  Please read each post and watch the attached videos to make sure that you are using good form.